Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Hi There,

I feel awful.  Please know that I didn't mean to come on strong.  I don't talk to anyone so it kind of builds up, I guess.  It's not directed at you, of course.  It's frustrating!!  I obviously think a lot and the mind goes all over the place, but nothing changes in regards to my support for you.  Do I get a little leniency?  A little bit?  Pleeeeeaaaaaseee.  I know that you don't have a lot of strength, but please find enough to recognize I'm doing my best in a tough spot.

You were having a great day and I felt just awful.  I wish I could just be there for you and make the pain go away.  God I wish that.  All.  The.  Time.

I commented on your comment.  I don't know if you get those or not, but.....

Always TOY and always wanting to make you smile.


All is good.  It's me.  Please trust in me.  Work has become a haven for you and I would like you to think of me that way.  I want you to look forward to calling me and not be afraid to talk.  Don't I get a free pass once in a while????  :)  C'mon!  :)

I would love to hear from you.....even on work phone, I guess.  :)  I need credit repair!!!

1 comment:

  1. I spent the last 30 f'ing minutes writing about this and I somehow got kicked off. Ahhhhh! I wrote everything perfectly. Like, straight out from a book and shit. Damn it! Shit! F*#$! OK, I'm done. :-)

    I'll talk to you soon. Promise.
