No need to apologize, regardless of why you ended it. I was way out of line. Moment of weakness, I suppose. We'll talk about that stuff when you're prepared and have time. You were five mins away from home and I tried to fit a 2 hour conversation into 38 seconds. Hidiot!
I love that you're enjoying work even if it is just work, but it's a way to feel normal and do what you've wanted to be doing. I'd love to hear more so don't hesitate to call, just don't pin me down at my desk! I can't even begin to tell you how awkward that is with everyone in my office............unless you call as a rep for CR and need a new customer. My credit score is 790 or so, but whatever.......
Don't be sorry. That was all on me.
I feel like that guy from Fight Club...well, maybe not exactly. I feel sleep deprived and crazy. And I've had a headache for the past few hours. On top of that, while I'm writting this, I completely forgot what I wanted to say. It has nothing to do with the green.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. I feel terrible. You were having a good day and I pooped on it. I hear you on the crazy and sleep deprived. I've started a new book and it helps me to fall asleep, but it sure seems like a long time ago that I used to sleep for more than 4 hours a night.
DeleteYou misspelled "writing" and I'm sure that had something to do with the green. That made me laugh, by the way......
Well you've misspelled plenty of things on your blog, but you don't see me talking shit. :P